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Home / Tips for Healthy, Natural Living / Tagged: preganancy

8 Strategies to Balance Your Body’s pH Levels

A crucial step in achieving a balanced pH is to limit your intake of processed foods.

Just like most things in life, having a balanced pH is all about constantly juggling the good and bad –— and ideally getting more of the good. Here are a few easy ways to do just that. 

5 Questions to Ask Your Gynecologist

gynecologist holding a stethoscope
Your gynecologist is there to guide you—and to answer any questions you have, regardless of how embarrassing they may seem. Rest assured, your gynecologist has very likely heard them before.

How Pregnancy Changes Feminine Health

open zipper to suggest the female anatomy
While each pregnancy is different, there are some common things you can expect to happen to your body and your health during pregnancy. Here's what you can expect if you're expecting.

Kegels and Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor

woman strengthening her pelvic floor
Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are helpful in preventing issues like urinary incontinence and can improve sex. Read on the learn how to find the pelvic floor muscles, practicing kegels, and even more exercises to try.

Why I Don't Recommend Vaginal Steaming

herbs used for vaginal steaming

What is vaginal steaming, why women do it, and why I don't recommend it. 


Tips to Stop Vaginal Dryness in its Tracks

half of an orange, meant to represent the female genitalia
If you've been there, then you know: Vaginal dryness is no fun. So how can you stop vaginal dryness in its tracks—or prevent it from ever happening in the first place? It's important to first understand its causes.

What Irregular Periods Could Mean

tracking irregular periods in a calendar
When periods are irregular, it can cause serious anxiety. Relieve your mind by investigating the root cause of irregular periods so you can be on your way to the most appropriate treatment.