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Home / Tips for Healthy, Natural Living / Tagged: Essential Oils

Try These Natural Remedies for Common Health Concerns

Elderberry syrup as a natural remedy for colds
I'm frequently amazed by just how easy some natural remedies to common health problems are to incorporate into our busy lives. Here are five natural solutions to try.

Why I Don't Recommend Vaginal Steaming

herbs used for vaginal steaming

What is vaginal steaming, why women do it, and why I don't recommend it. 


Ten Essential Oils for Women’s Health

essential oil bottles amongst citrus fruits and spices
Essential oils have been used by women for centuries to treat many different health conditions. Here are the top ten when it comes to positively impacting women's health.

Build Your Own Natural First-Aid Kit

A natural first-aid kit
Want to create your own first-aid kit at home to fight off digestive stress, heal cuts and scrapes, and feel better—naturally? Here are 12 natural solutions to keep on hand when illness or injury strikes.

Overcoming Estrogen Dominance

Woman with her face in her hands

Estrogen dominance occurs when estrogen doesn't get metabolized and eliminated properly through the bowels. When this happens, it gets reabsorbed into the body, leading to an imbalance.

Luckily, there are ways to reverse estrogen dominance naturally by removing excess estrogen from the body. Here are some quick tips.

Four Causes of Bleeding During Sex

two pairs of feet stick out from mussed bedclothes
Bleeding during sex (when it's not your period or pregnancy)? Read on to find out what may be the culprit and how to treat it.

Essential Oils 101: Getting Started

bottles of different essential oils

Essential Oils. We'll all heard of them but what are they even used for? Can you ingest them, or just diffuse them? So many questions. Here I give you answers to some of the most commonly asked questions essential oil newbies have.

7 Tips to Boost Your Sex Drive Naturally

mussed sheets in a bed
There's no need to throw in the proverbial towel if you're experiencing a diminished sex drive. Here are seven things you can do to give it a boost.