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Home / Tips for Healthy, Natural Living / Five Essential Oils for Women’s Health
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Five Essential Oils for Women’s Health

essential oil bottles amongst citrus fruits and spices

Essential oils smell great, sure, but did you know they’ve been used by women for centuries to treat everything from skin and digestive issues to emotional and hormonal conditions? It's true! Here are five essential oils that take top honors when it comes to positively impacting women's health.

Essential oils for women’s health: Tea tree essential oil

How it helps women: I call tea tree oil amazing because it is an antibacterial and antifungal powerhouse (there’s a reason it’s the main ingredient in my feminine spray). This versatile essential oil, also known as Melaleuca, also has amazing skin-healing properties and works wonders for inflammation.

How to use it: Try a vaginal health product with tea tree oil in it, or make your own at-home treatment.

Essential oils for women’s health: Clary sage essential oil

How it helps women: Clary sage essential oil is great for women's health, especially women who are in menopause because research has found that it’s helpful for controlling hormones. It’s also becoming more well-known as a mood booster because it helps reduce cortisol levels.

How to use it: Dilute with a carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil, then apply it to your midsection from your neck to your abdomen. 

Essential oils for women’s health: Palmarosa essential oil

How it helps women: Palmarosa essential oil is another women’s health powerhouse. It hydrates the skin, helps ease digestion, kills bacteria and viruses, and is useful for alleviating both emotional and physical wounds. It comes from the same family as lemongrass and citronella and has been known to help ease the discomfort associated with urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal disorders, cystitis, muscular aches, and restlessness.

How to use it: Add palmarosa oil to a diffuser, inhale it directly, or blend a few drops into your facial cream.

Essential oils for women’s health: Echinacea oil

How it helps women: We all know echinacea is great for immune support, but I add this versatile antiviral oil to my feminine spray because it reduces inflammation and helps prevent vaginal infections like yeast infections. Echinacea is also being studied as a method for aiding cell growth, reducing the occurrence of migraines, potentially reducing breast cancer risk, managing anxiety, and controlling blood sugar. 

How to use it: Add a few drops to your tea or water. 

Essential oils for women’s health: Orange essential oil

How it helps women: Not only has orange essential oil been shown to improve digestion, but it’s also great as a disinfectant, stress reducer, and inflammation fighter.

How to use it: For digestive relief, mix orange essential oil with a carrier oil and then rub it onto your abdomen. As long as you’re buying from a reputable source, you can also add it to water or put a drop or two on your tongue. 

These are just five of the many, many essential oils that are helpful for feminine health. So which essential oils do YOU use in your daily routine?  Let me know in the comments below!


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