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Fight Brain Fog at Any Age

Woman with hands on her head, photo distorted as if in a fog
While it's not an official medical condition, brain fog is very common. Fortunately, it's also very fixable. If you're dealing with persistent mental cloudiness, try these strategies for a clearer head—and a happier life.

How to Reset Your Gut Health This Year

focus on gut health

If your digestion is off, there could be more to it than disruptive bacteria or a food sensitivity. So how do you reset your gut naturally and ease digestion woes so you can get to feeling like yourself again? Here are some tips for both the body and the mind.

Eat These 10 Foods to Manage Stress

Eggs can help manage stress
Stress affects us all, and it can have a major impact on our overall health, but we can actually help manage it by what we eat. So what should you eat to stave off stress—or at least reduce it to manageable levels?

Tips for Balancing Your Vagina's pH

A zipper meant to convey female anatomy
Read more to find out what an ideal vaginal pH is, what causes it to become unbalanced, and tips to restore balance to your vaginal pH.

Try These Lifestyle Changes to Stay Positive

try walking outdoors to improve your mood
There are natural ways to boost mood and stay positive—even in today's uncertain times. If you're struggling to stay positive, try these 5 lifestyle tweaks to put a pep back in your step.

How Low-Calorie Dieting Sabotages Weight Loss

A low-calorie diet often doesn't work

It should make sense that the less you eat, the less you weigh—right? But talk to any nutritionist, and they'll tell you that's not the case. So why does diet culture set us up for failure by telling us to reduce our calories in order to shrink our waistlines?