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Home / Tips for Healthy, Natural Living / Tagged: Feminine Health

Is it BV or a Yeast Infection?

An open zipper to suggest the female genitalia
Got an itch, some discharge, and an unfamiliar odor? It’s likely one of two culprits: a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis (BV). Luckily there are ways to determine which it is — and natural remedies to prevent and treat both.

Calendula: The Healing Flower

Calendula flower
Calendula has been studied for years as an antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent. Studies have shown that it can ease menstrual symptoms and stop yeast overgrowth. So how does it actually work?

Tips for Healthy Hydration

Woman staying hydrated

Water plays an essential role in so many bodily functions, yet so many of us don't drink enough of it. In order for the body to function optimally, water is key. Luckily, there are ways to get enough of it without choking down 8 glasses a day.

Why Life's Better with a Bidet

Bidet and toilet
Water is a wonder. It keeps us hydrated, powers electricity, and cleans all the things—including our bottoms. Read on to see why the bidet, a powerhouse tool used throughout the world, might soon take over toilet paper in the quest to keep us clean.

PCOS to Endometriosis: 4 Feminine Health Conditions

Illustration of the uterus anatomy
There are great things about being a woman, but there are also health conditions that can come with it. Here we discuss PCOS, Endometriosis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, and Lichen Sclerosus.

Keep Hormones in Check with the DUTCH Test

a DUTCH test for hormones
Whether you're in the throes of perimenopause, wondering why you stopped getting your period in your 20s or 30s, or simply want to know how balanced your hormones really are, there's a path that can get you answers: the dried urine test for comprehensive hormones, or DUTCH, test.

5 Questions to Ask Your Gynecologist

gynecologist holding a stethoscope
Your gynecologist is there to guide you—and to answer any questions you have, regardless of how embarrassing they may seem. Rest assured, your gynecologist has very likely heard them before.

Fight Brain Fog at Any Age

Woman with hands on her head, photo distorted as if in a fog
While it's not an official medical condition, brain fog is very common. Fortunately, it's also very fixable. If you're dealing with persistent mental cloudiness, try these strategies for a clearer head—and a happier life.

Frequent Urination: What Could it Mean?

a thong in pale yellow
Frequent urination is a common problem for women, especially those who've gone through childbirth. Here are some other potential causes, as well as ways to avoid this not-so-great feeling.

Build Your Own Natural First-Aid Kit

A natural first-aid kit
Want to create your own first-aid kit at home to fight off digestive stress, heal cuts and scrapes, and feel better—naturally? Here are 12 natural solutions to keep on hand when illness or injury strikes.