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Essential Oils 101: Getting Started

bottles of different essential oils

Essential Oils. We'll all heard of them but what are they even used for? Can you ingest them, or just diffuse them? So many questions. Here I give you answers to some of the most commonly asked questions essential oil newbies have.

Calendula: The Healing Flower

Calendula flower
Calendula has been studied for years as an antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent. Studies have shown that it can ease menstrual symptoms and stop yeast overgrowth. So how does it actually work?

The Story Behind Bona Dea Naturals

Bona Dea Naturals Feminine Spray cartons
The owner of Bona Dea Naturals shares her story of a lifelong struggle with yeast infections and her quest to find an effective, natural solution with her feminine spray.

New 4oz bottle from Bona Dea Naturals!

4oz dropper bottle
Meant as a refill option for the 2oz spray bottle, it can also be purchased without having ever ordered the spray if you prefer to apply the product by hand. With a price of $23.99 (+ free shipping), hopefully this size variation becomes a more economical choice for customers who regularly use Bona Dea Naturals feminine oil.